Setting up - Customising LibCode Suite
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Customising Libcode Suite

Setting up Circulation / Borrower Details...

Before you can start Lending and Returning resources you'll need to enter some Borrowers into the system.  This is done via the Circulation module...

Customizing Software settings and lists...

There are functions of the program that can be customised to suite your specific needs.

Go into LibCode Suite / Utilities / Setup (as shown below) to make changes to some of the basic functions of the software.

The settings listed below are located under the Authority Files menu:

General Material Designation or Description pop-up table (GMD field)

Note that if you create a new GMD and you know there will be no barcodes on the items but still want them to appear in the catalogue, make sure you inlcude an asterisk (*) in the Code details (eg. VI*) as this overides the hide function





Reading Level & Scheme

These Circulation options can be found under the 'Circulation Options' menu.

Loan Period Default

Staff Loan Extension

Loan Period Extension and Cut-off Dates

Reservation Expiry

Borrower Images Folder

Circulation Warning Sound

Check for Overdues (Toggle)

Check Loan Notes (Toggle) (On is recommended)

Use Borrower Barcode

Replacement Cost

Other Settings

Depreciation Rate

Change Password

Buffer File...

Change Date Settings

To make sure the date being used by Libcode is in the appropriate (ie.  Australian format) standard, follow these simple steps:

Right-click on the LCSuite shortcut, go to properties and look at the command line  ...

Once you locate LCSuite.exe at the end of the line:

Type a space

Type a /  (Forward slash)

Type au  (For Australia)

i.e.  ..\CMEPlus\LCSuite.exe /au