A Buffer file is simply a list of barcodes that can be used to make changes to data. This is handy when the collection of resources have nothing in common.
Some examples of use:-
Culling - you could zap or type in the barcodes of a bunch of items you want to cull then tell LibCode to use the list to remove the items from the catalogue
Bulk updates - if you wanted to change the location of a group of resources to another site or location you would use the buffer file to change the details on a select group of resources
Stocktaking - this will allow you to collect resource barcodes from a number of locations and import the collected information using the File Append option of Circulation / Stocktake / File Append
Example: Setting up a Buffer File for Culling
Go to Utilities / setup / buffer file.
Scan in the barcodes and save the file as something relevant eg Cull040715.buf (the numbers are todays date backwards) in a place you will remember. When you save the file the program will automatically open the CMEPlus folder for you. It would be a good idea to create a new folder within the CMEPlus folder called BUFFERS. By putting all of your buffer files inside the CMEPlus folder they are automatically backed up when you do your normal backups.
You can add to this file as you need to, just the same way as you open and close any document.
When you’re ready to cull the resources DO YOUR BACKUPS!!!
Once the backups are done go into Utilities / update / cull items. Click on the Browse button at the end of the Buffer file field and locate the buffer file you need from the drop down list. Highlight it and click on OK.
Once the file name appears in the buffer file name field, click on apply
Now check the number of filtered records at the bottom of the screen to make sure you have the correct amount.
Print off a list of the resources by clicking on the print button (and look at them first in the preview)
Only when you are happy with the list click on the CULL button and follow the prompts.
When the items have been culled you need to go into Utilites / update / reset copies. This will check the number of barcoded copies of each resource against the number of copies in the front catalogue screen for each resource and adjust the total if necessary.