Culling Records
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Items can be culled from the LibCode database in two different ways, by selecting the records by Barcode Status e.g. 'W' or by creating a Buffer File.

Cull Items by Barcode Status

Cull Items by Buffer File

There is an additional way to Cull Items from the database, but this doesn't allow for a cull items report to be created. Instructions for this process are outlined below.

Cull Items manually in Data Entry

  1. Open LibCode / Text Tracker Suite and Data Entry
  2. Choose the record of the item for culling
  3. Click on the Catalogue Detail Tab, the ‘Minus’ button and OK at ‘Delete Record”
  4. The item will appear in RED in the catalogue list.
  5. To permanently remove deleted records, the catalogue file should now be packed using the Pack menu option’ in Utilities
  6. When its time to actually delete all the Written Off items in your catalogue youll need to know about this function.

Please note we do not recommend this for culling of any more than 2 or 3 items at a time, due to the lack of printable report.