When you start typing in resource information, you will notice the GMD field has a drop-down list of options regarding the type of resource being entered. This list can be adjusted to suit your resource collection
(See Utilities / Update / Catalogue for a GMD example)
Steps for adjusting the GMD list...
LibCode Suite / Utilities / Setup / Authority Files / GMD… / click on item and change details or click + to add
Standard GMDs...
There are a number of standard GMD's used for resource collections including:-
- No GMD -
AC Audiocassette
BB Big Book
BK Booklets
BM Blackline Masters
CA Computer software Apple
CDM Compact Disc Music
CH Charts
CI Computer software IBM
CS Card Sets
CX Compact Disc
DO Dioramas
DU Duplicating Masters
DVD Digital Video Discs
FIL File on computer
FL Flash Cards
FS Filmstrips
FY Floppy Discs
GA Games
GL Globes
IM Interactive Multimedia
LP Large Print Books
MA Maps
MI Microforms
MO Models
MU Music
OT Overhead Transparencies
PA Pamplets
PI Pictures
RE Realia (Specimens)
SL Slides
SX Slides (Biological)
VAR Variable Loan
VF Vertical file
VH Videocassette
WWW World Wide Web
Special GMD's...
GMD's that do not require barcodes are -
WWW World Wide Web
VH Videocassette
IM Interactive Multimedia
FIL File on computer
VF Vertical file
*.. Your new entry
#... New item description