Return Loans...
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This is option is used to bulk return loans in bulk AND to deal with Unreturned loans in bulk!

Not often used and you might like to discuss this option with the LibCode Office before using it... MAKE SURE you do a backup before using a function like this!

VERY HANDY! In LibCode version 6.5+ this option now marks bulk returned resources Missing

(IE. Adds M to Barcode Status field and a date to the Status Date along with a NOTE that records Who and When it was lent)


- Once you use this bulk data change function the number of Copies in the records will need to be corrected... this will happen in your normal backup process BUT... if you are in a hurry you can use the Reset Copies function in Utilities / Update to make it happen straight away!

(Thanks for pointing this missing info out Madonna!)

Idea: We are bouncing around the idea of a new Status called L for Lost specifically for this type of issue... let us know what you think. (I know you probably won't but it is VERY motivational to think that you might take some note of the suggestions I make in this manual!)





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