This function allows you to prepare a shelf list of resources according to age for possible culling
Load the Enquiry Module
Select Title and other searches
Click on the Range Search in the Advanced Searches box
In the Selection field select Publ. Year
Any resource older than 20 years should seriously be considered as a possible cull. Enter 1900 in the low value and in the high value enter 1985...Click OK
Once the list of resources has been generated check the number of Resources found (top left hand of screen)
You can re-organise these resources into managable lists by clicking on the Call Number column use the SHIFT + Left mouse click to select only the Non-fiction (or any other location) you would like to start on
Take your list and a book box to the shelves and locate the resources. Carefully consider each item for relevance and content, and if necessary toss it into the book box
Once you have a box full take them back to the computer and scan the barcodes into a Buffer file (see Utilities / Setup / Buffer File)