Setting Up Variable Loan Bags
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Setting Up a Variable Loan Bag

A Variable Loan Bag can be used to lend items that have not yet been catalogued or will not be catalogued in the near future. For instructions on Lending / Returning Variable Loan Bags click here.

  1. Load Utilities and select ‘Setup/ Authority Files / GMD’
  2. Check if your list contains a GMD of ‘VAR’ – Variable Loan, if not you will need to add this GMD:

       - Click the ‘+’ across the top

       - Type the GMD Code as ‘VAR’ and the description as ‘Variable Loan’

       - Click the ‘Tick’ across the top to save the GMD

  1. Now Load Data Entry
  2. Add new record
  3. Give it a title of Variable Loan Bag 01
  4. In GMD we need to select ‘VAR’ – Variable Loan 001
  5. Locate the Variable Loan where you would like it to be stored in your library
  6. Don’t fill in any other details on the catalogue details screen and save the record by clicking ‘F9’ or the tick across the top
  7. Now select ‘Barcodes’ across the top and click the ‘+’  across the top to add a new barcode
  8. Either enter the barcode you would like to use for this bag or box or create a new barcode by typing in the following barcode into the barcode box VLB001
  9. Make the accession number the same as the Barcode, you may also want to change the Loan Period.
  10. Once you are happy click the tick across the top or ‘F9’