Lending & Returning Non-catalogued Items (Variable Loan Bags)
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The below instructions can step you through the lending and returning Variable Loan Bags. To setup your Variable Loan Bag click here.

Lending using a Variable Loan Bag

  1. Load Circulation
  2. Select ‘Lend’ across the top
  3. Choose the borrower to whom you want to lend the variable loan bag
  4. Either zap in the barcode or type in our barcode VLB001 and click ‘Enter’
  5. This will pop up the ‘Loan Notes Editor’, enter what has been loaned in this Variable Loan Bag in this notes editor
  6. Separate the items using or comma or by clicking enter
  7. Click ‘OK’ and ‘Enter’ and it will lend that resource out with the details of what has been loaned displaying in the title of the resource

Returning using Variable Loan Bags

  1. Load Circulation
  2. Select “returns’ across the top
  3. Type or zap in the barcode
  4. The program will now display what has been loaned in that Variable Loan Bag
  5. If only one item has been returned delete it from the Loan Notes and cancel the return. It will then leave the Variable Loan Bag containing only 1 item on loan until the other item has been returned
  6. When the final item has been returned, simply zap or type in the barcode in returns and click ‘Return Loan’ on the pop up