Lending in Bulk - Bulk Loan Boxes
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This is used to create a list of items IN a box that can be booked out by scanning one barcode...

(We suggest you return items individually!)

Making a bulk loan box

1.  Load LibCode / Utilities / Setup / Bulk Loan file...

2.  Barcode Buffer File Editor appears, scan in all the barcodes for the bulk loan set

3.  Click Save As - MUST be saved in Data Folder (see the bottom left corner of the LibCode Main Menu to find out what this is)

4.  The file must start with BLK and end in .dat, so when save file screen appears, save in must be LibCode working folder (Data Folder),

       should be BLK followed by the barcode that will be attached to the box and change the save as type to bulk loans file (eg BLKLSS12345.dat)

5.  Save

To make another bulk loan file click new file and start scanning in barcodes for new bulk loan set.

To lend a bulk loan set

1.  Circulation / Lend / Call up borrower

2.  type in BLK and scan barcode

Returning bulk loan set

Should be done by returning individual items to make sure all items have been returned (can return the bulk loan set complete, BLK scan barcode, but NOT a safe way to do it unless you know for CERTAIN that ALL items are in the box)

To remove/replace individual items from a bulk set

1.  Utilities / Setup / Buffer/Bulk Loan file

2.  Open file (in this window 'Change files of type' to Bulk loan files), find and double click appropriate bulk loan file

3.  To delete - Find item in list and right click

4.  click delete selected records option (item should turn red)

5.  To add in item - Scan barcode of new item into Add box

6.  Close file

7.  Save Changes