Depending on your existing settings you may find that Libcode times out after a certain period of time and requires you to re-load. Is this happening to you? If so, don't worry, it's easily fixed!
First of all, you need to know the location of the CMCirc.exe file. If you don't know where the file is located simply go to the your Libcode Suite front menu and look for the details of your data folder (this is your CMCirc.file)
Note that if you are in a State School your folder will most likely be located in your P Drive.
Once you know the location of the file, go to windows explorer, right click and browse the folders on your computer until you find the file.
Once you have located the file, you need to create a direct shortcut to it.
To do this all you need to do is right click on the name of the file and select the shortcut option- save the shortcut to your desktop to enable easy retrieval.
Go to the shortcut and add a space followed by a /NT to the file name. This will stop a system timeout from occurring.