Bulk Extensions
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You need to be viewing the loan details of the borrower to give a bulk extension.

This can be accessed via Lend button (Ctrl + L) then use the borrower barcode or surname to locate the details


You can get there via the View / Borrower...

Either way you end up with a screen something like this:-


  1. You need to highlight / select all the items you want to extend

  1. Once you highlight the loans you want to extend, click the Extend Sel. Loans button and the Extend loans screen appears


  1. This popup screen lets you know how many loans will be extended... (you can always right click on a stray loan to extend it after this operation)

  1. Manually type in a new due date for the selected loans or click the "..." button to use the popup calendar to select a date (don't forget you can click on the month in the calendar to pick the month from a drop down list!)

  1. Click Ok button and selected loans are extended

Bulk Extension - Buffer File

Another Option for Bulk Extensions is using a Buffer File. To extend a large number of resources using a Buffer File create a Buffer file in Utilities\Setup\Buffer File and follow the below instructions:

  1. Select the 'Extend' menu option under Loans in Circulation
  2. Now select 'Use Buffer File'
  3. The software now asks for the location of the buffer file and what youw ould like the new Due Date to be
  4. Once you are happy with these options select 'Extend'
  5. You can now print the Reject File to see what resources were not extended 

See Also:

Staff Extensions, Extending via View options, Extending via Lend screen