(Each field on this screen is described below the screen shot)
Description of fields on the Borrower Add screen...
This is where the Borrower Barcode goes. If you are using barcodes, simply zap (or type) in the barcode you want to attach to this borrower. The record number automatically appears as a barcode but you can replace this if necessary
Borrower No:
This is usually the Student Enrolment number that is assigned to a student by an office system. You MUST enter this number if you want to be able to use the Synchronise Borrowers function in Utilities / Update / Circulation... to automatically update your borrower details at a later date
Select the gender of the borrower. This is not necessary but is useful later when doing statistical reports of borrowing history
Status is a marker field that can be used for special purposes at a later date. Usually left blank during the data entry process
The number set here is the maximum number of loans a borrower can have out at one time. 999 means Unlimited. A warning is displayed if a borrower tries to borrower more than the number set. This can be over-ridden on the loans screen if necessary
Leave blank or enter Mrs, Ms, Miss or Mr in this field. Some schools use this field for special info like Account No. information
Given Names:
The first name of the borrower being entered is usually entered here
Enter the borrowers surname into this field. The Surname is the one used to search for a borrower so if you are entering a Classroom as a borrower put the main details in here
This is the Year Level of the borrower. It's a good idea to use 2 digit mubers here so the sorted lists appear in the correct order amd less than / greater than filters do the job... (ie. 01, 02, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12...)
Enter the Class or Group that the borrower belongs to. This is the main grouping or sorting field Circulation uses to sort Overdue and Loan History reports. Groups are added to the system via the Groups tab on the Borrowers screen
Owing and Renewal Date:
These fields are used to store fine and subscription type renewal information if necessary. Mostly these fields are left blank
Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Post Code, Email, Phone, Mobile and Fax:
These are simply the contact detail fields for borrowers. Add as necessary
Special information about a borrower can be entered here. This information is displayed each time the borrower presents resources for loan. Handy for reminders about lost loans or access to restricted resources...
See also... Utilities / Update / Circulation / Synchronise Borrowers for instructions on how to import Borrowers in Bulk
Editing or Changing Borrower details...
Adjusting a borrowers details is a common and basic operation.