Adding, Editing & Deleting Groups
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Adding Groups ...


  1. Go into LibCode Suite and then load the Circulation module
  2. Click on the Group button on the Circulation screen
  1. The Setup screen will appear.  Click on the + button to add a new group...
  1. The Group details screen will appear... go ahead and add necessary details
  1. Click on 'Tick' or Press <F9> to Save changes.

Editing or Changing Group details...

From time to time you will need to adjust group details such as staff changes, split classes and room changes

  1. Go into Circulation
  2. Click the group button
  3. Locate the group using either:
  1. Once you have located the required Group from the list provided double click on the entry to show the details screen


  1. Make the necessary changes and <F9> or to save the changes

Deleting Groups

  1. Go into Circulation
  2. Click the group button
  3. Locate the group using either:
  1. Once you have located the required Group from the list provided double click on the entry to show the details screen
  2. Click on the - (minus symbol) across the top and click 'Yes'