To do these reports you'll need to be able to set Stocktake Parameters.
(Click here to see an explanation of Stocktake Parameters)
There are 2 places you can do a Missing and Found report...
Circulation / Stocktake / Reports...
The reports are here so you can viewing and check on your process. Also when you are in Circulation you can veiw the Loans Found report, this is not available in the Utilities Module. Please make sure you return these resources before you continue with your stocktake.
- Handy to be able to check how the process is going... once you scan in a section do a quick Missing reports in Circulation / Stocktake to make sure you haven't missed a few items or forgot to check the repairs trolley!
- See what items have turned up in the stocktake that were tagged as missing in a previous stocktake or by Library staff during the year
Loans Found:-
- This is ONLY useful if you stopped lending resources in the section you were stocktaking!
- Get a list of Un-Returned loans that are actually out there on the shelves!
- You need to return these items... we make you do it individually at the moment so you can note who they were out to but we have plans to make this more automated.
Utilities / Stocktake / Reports...
The reports are here so you can create final reports before tagging and reconciling. Once you are happy with your missing reports in Circulation you don't need to do them again in Utilities... but it's handy to be able to if you did not print them earlier!
Just be aware that you can not access the Loans Found report from the Utilities Module.
Missing:- (Same as Circulation / Stocktake report)
- This is here so you can do a final check before you tag items as missing! Same report, just can be accessed in a different place.
Found:- (Same as Circulation / Stocktake report)
- See what items have turned up in the stocktake that were tagged as missing in a previous stocktake or by Library staff during the year. Again, the same report just a final list before you Reconcile whihc will take the Missing tag off the records and the report will then have 0 (zero) records.
A final Whole Collection Missing items report:-
The best way to get a list of ALL items marked Missing (ie. with a M in the Status field on the Barcode details screen) is to do a Utilities / Reports / Barcode Listing... just set the selection criteria for Status (Bcode) M to M and the Status Date yyyymmdd TO yyyymmdd and off you go.
You can create this report anytime and it is the best way to get a Missing Items list anytime... stocktaking or not.
(Remember it only includes the Missing items from your stocktake AFTER you use the Utilities / Stocktake / Mark Missing function...)
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Stocktake Related Instructions (General Stocktake Page)