There are a few things you need to do before you begin this process:
1. Do a system BACK-UP
2. Check ALL Student borrowers have the Sims Student ID as their "Borrower number"
3. CHECK your data after the synchronise... if there is a problem DON'T use Circulation. Instead, restore your circulation data via the back-up you made in step 1... or call us for help!
SIMS In-Load
To do this you must have the Student Enrollment number (or SiMS number) in the Borrower No. field for each student.
This number is used as the identifying field for adjustments to existing data and to determine if a student is current.
HINT! AN EASY WAY TO CHECK this is to Load Circulation / Borrowers and click the Borrower No. column header... all borrowers with NO number will be listed at the top... Students MUST have an enrollment number so please get one from the office if they don't. Even past students will need a number because otherwise the system will mark them as "left".
The Steps...
For all other office systems…
You need to create a CSV (comma delimited text file) with this format: StudentNumber, Surname, GivenName, YearLevel, Class, Group
“Student Number” is a unique student identifier… usually an enrollment number
“Class” is the Roll Class or Home Group that would be used to chase overdues.
It does not matter what you call your file, but when you use the Synchronise function it will automatically list all TXT files so it is easier to
keep it as a TXT file.
To in-load new student information, select Utilities / Update / Circulation / Synchronise / SMS /
Browse to find the file to be in-loaded (datoal.txt if you have data from SMS) and when you click OK the screen below will appear:
1. (Screenshot) If you tick this option LibCode will put the Borrower Number (or enrollment number) into the new students as their Borrower ID (or Borrower Barcode)
2. (Screenshot) This option will fill the Barcode created field with as many zeros if selected
3. (Screenshot) You need to check which column in your file contains the information you want inloaded into the Group field. This should be the Roll Class information that would normally be used to chase up overdue loans.
4. (Screenshot) This is the Ready, Set, Go button.
Check your borrower information is correct by going into Circulation and then Borrowers and scroll around the list checking
randomly that everything seems in order.