Cataloguing Specific Resources
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This page has details that you will require for cataloguing to follow specific types of resources.

Cataloguing Websites

The best way to catalogue websites in LibCode Suite is shown in the below steps:

  1. Go into Data Entry and Click + (or press F2 to Add)
  2. Fill in the details as you'd expect... Title, Author etc... GMD is the only special bit!
  3. Select your GMD as 'WWW - Website' and insert the URL into the Description field or Notes field
  4. To insert the URL in the Notes Field, right-click in the notes field and select 'Insert Website'
  5. When this record is saved it will now show in Enquiry and on CMEWeb with a clickable link in either the Notes or Description field

Cataloguing Kits

The basics of cataloguing kits are explained in the below steps but for more details and a step by step guide of how to link kit resources click the following link - Linking Records for a Kit

  1. Load a new record in Data Entry and fill in the details of your kit such as title, publisher, class. number etc.
  2. Select your GMD as 'KI - Kit' and note the different parts of the kit in the Notes field
  3. Once you are happy with what you have entered proceed to Linking Records for a Kit to link all the kit items to the main record

Cataloguing Realia


Cataloguing CDs

Cataloguing Electronic Resources & Files on Computer - Ebooks, PDFs, Word Docs, ePub Files etc.

What is an "Electronic Resource"...

This is a very broad area at the moment...things like Ebooks, ClickView videos, Learning Objects, PDFs, DOCs, Various Video and Audio files

How it Works...

If you come across a resource that has a GMD of FIL (File on Computer... add it to GMD table if necessary) and you go to the Resource Details Screen... you click the file from the Notes field. When you click it LibCode passes a request to Windows to Open the file. Easy... if Windows can open it... LibCode can.

* See Note: below for easy another option!

  1. Create a new record if it is a stand alone file, if not locate the file in Data Entry and open the catalogue details 
  2. If this is a stand alone record select “FIL” as the GMD; if you are attaching the file to an existing record don't change the GMD
  3. In the 'Notes' field, right-click and select 'Insert File' and choose the file you would like to attach, this can be anyway on your server or network. When prompted to covert the path to a relative path click 'Yes'
  4. You can attach as many files in this way as would like to a record.
  5. Once you have added the file simply save the record and this resource will now be searchable in Enquiry and the file will be loadable straight from the Notes Field.

* Note: You can just add the item with your own GMD and put a clickable link to the File in the Notes field of the Catalogue Details screen. This means user just goes into Enquiry - Full Details screen of the record to access the file. This can be an easier option and it works for files and website links straight in the Notes field.

Cataloguing Equipment

Cataloguing Games

Cataloguing Music

Cataloguing Periodicals

Cataloguing Posters

Cataloguing Resource Boxes