This is how you add clickable links to an existing resource.
Handy to let researchers know about other things like documents and websites that might be useful!
Feel free to add several if necessary.
See Also Adding Electronic Resources if you want to add a Website, Multimedia, Ebook and any other type of stored file as a stand alone resource.
Adding a Website to a Resource
Note if the resource doesn't have a barcode you will need to ensure that the GMD of that record is set as 'WWW - Website' to ensure that it will display in Enquiry and on CMEWeb. To find out more see here - Cataloguing Websites
Adding files to the Notes field of a Resource
This can be useful for adding ebook files, pdf version of resources and video to resources within your library.
Note if the resource doesn't have a barcode you will need to ensure that the GMD of that record is set as 'FIL - File on Computer' to ensure that it will display in Enquiry. To find out more see here - Cataloguing Electronic Resources & Files on Computers