From time to time it is a good idea to use the various options under the Update / Catalogue / Links area. This will update, check and re-align host entries with the relevant Linked records.
Changes may have been made to the host entry and the Link information may have been overlooked. An example of this would be the relocation of a host entry to a new location or the host entry may have been missing in the last stocktake and no changes to the status of the linked record had been made.
Partial Cleanup -
Will check the link table for broken links but will not update linked records
Missing Links Report -
This report will list the catalogue records which contain 'LINK' in the SCiS No. field, and for which no corresponding host record can be found because the entry in the link table is missing.
Full Cleanup -
This will permanently remove linked records from the catalogue if no host is found.
Update Call Number-
During this process the site, location, dewey number and main entry fields of linked records will be updated to match those of the host records