Sometimes it is necessary to change borrower details in bulk. Any time you need to do the same thing to lots of borrowers it might be possible to save yourself a lot of time by doing the changes in bulk via Utiltities / Update.
Some examples:-
Changing Group/Class in bulk -
Miss Smith the year 1 teacher gets married on the holidays and her group/class has changed from S01 to P01.
Do a backup (Exclusive backup is not necessary for this purpose so you might like to intentionally leave a module open) / Go into Utilities / Update / Circulation / Borrowers.
Selection field Group
Low value S01 High value S01
Replacement field Group
Replace with P01 and click the Replace button and then confirm
Changing loan limits in bulk -
The librarian has decided that year 4 students can now borrower 3 books instead of 2. Rather than going through each student and adjusting the limit field manually a bulk change is very handy.
Selection field Level
Low value 4 (or 04 depending on your data) High value 4 (or 04)
Replacement field Limit
Replace with 3
Changing Levels in bulk -
It's the start of the school year and you have decided to manually adjust the student details instead of Inload them from a file. You decide to bulk update the Year
Selection field Level
Low value 4 (or 04 depending on your data) High value 4 (or 04)
Replacement field Limit
Replace with 3
Changing Borrower No. to Borrower IDs in bulk -
Unusual but is happens! This is useful if you have all the student enrollment numbers in the Borrower Barcode field but nothing or dodgy details in the Borrower No. field...
REMEMBER:- The Borrower No. field is the one LibCode uses to match data when you bulk inload...