Runs from CMPEDIT.EXE (or from the LCSuite.exe menu)
Data Entry is where the Library staff will spend most of their working day during the initial data entry process
This is the section of the package where resource information is entered...Cataloguing details, Book Subject Headings, Reading Scheme Details and Barcodes are typed into this database
There are several shortcut functions built into the Data Entry module, make sure you take the time to become aware of them... they are there to save you time. (You will have a lot of difficulty convincing us that you are too busy to save time!)
We have written this manual and produced lots of other tools (including onscreen tutorials) to help teach you the efficient use of this software
You need to use them to benefit
We also offer remote one-on-one training which has always been praisied by those who have bothered to find out about it and actually book a session!
Types of resources catered for include: -
Printed resources
Audio visual aids
Equipment of all types
Web sites
Any Permanently disk stored files, providing viewing computer can recognise the file type (ie has appropriate software to open it and has configured to use it) and access to file path (See Set for viewing disk stored file)
Allows for the Linking of resources to a 'Parent' entry
Types of records you can enter are limited to your imagination!