CME Web... Making your catalogue available online!
The Development Team at LibCode Library Systems have put together a package of web-based processes to make it extremely easy for schools and other organisations to create and maintain an online resource catalogue. The CME Web Starter Kit contains everything you need to allow your clients, and affiliated offices, access to your resource catalogue from the internet!
Concept Map Explorer - Web...
How it works...
At your request, your current library system (LibCode Suite) creates a copy of the resource catalogue as a compressed data file ready for you to upload to a website which can be researched by your clients anywhere in the world using a standard web-browser
Data Security...
Your main catalogue information is absolutely secure because all online researching takes place on a web server that is in no-way connected to your library system computer. If there are any “attacks” or problems with the integrity of your online catalogue, you simply upload another copy!
What can CMEWeb do?
Catalogue Searching
Online Reservations
Current News
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