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A Library is an amazing place!

Your Library contains some kind of representation of, or reference to, every idea any human in the history of cognitive process has ever bothered to think about long enough to write something down (in theory)... and if that doesn't give you goose bumps... please don't let the kids know!?

The fact that someone, somewhere thinks it is important enough that students and teachers to have access to all of this information.... that alone should let you know that the library is an immensely important place! That person is the reason that each and every school has a collection of resources that cost at least $75,000 (and that's an estimated value for only 3000 resources) to buy... let alone cover, catalogue, store and provide access to!  Easily the most expensive thing in a school except the actual buildings! (Most schools have upwards of $250,000 invested in books alone!)

The idea of a "Library" (the old idea) no longer fits the bill to describe what students and teachers can access.  The general consensus right now is that this amazing "hub" of information access needed a new name... it's now a "Resource Centre"... and fair enough!  Our software takes this into account by providing access to all sorts of resources - and that list will continue to grow.

Books, E-Books, Websites, Documents, Pictures, Book reviews, Audio Visual resources, Learning Objects, WebQuests... if you have it... we catalogue it in LibCode. What about local sporting clubs and museums? Local experts in obscure fields of research... the list is as long as there are types of resources.

So what can you do to help give students and teachers a good understanding of how to find their way around your Resource Centre?

"We're just a small school, we don't have time..."

We at Libcode think it's important that we spend every working day developing tools to help young people and teachers find information -  but we can't use them for you!

Our software development depends on what we see happening in schools... your feedback and suggestions are essential!

LibCode is more than just a circulation system and a stock manager for resources...

The purpose of this software is:

LibCode Suite in General...



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