Multi-field Search
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Doing a Multi-field search

As the name suggests by using this option you can refine your search string to provide a more specific result.

Example -

I am looking for all of the videos in the Lonely Planet series.

  1. Select GMD from the drop down list
  2. Type in VH in the Find:
  3. Select Begins with as the Search type:
  4. Click the And button to add the second part of the search string
  5. Your first search string is displayed here
  6. Type in Lonely
  7. Select Series from the drop down list
  8. This time we choose Contains (just incase there are a number of variations with the series)
  9. Click on the OK button
  10. Your results are displayed...

See Using the Results Screen (Resource Lists) for more details about manipulating the list of resources that appears as a result of your search...