Updating catalogue in Bulk...
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These instructions can be used to step through how to do a bulk update of your catalogue through the 'Update/Catalogue' feature in Utilities. This feature can be used to change any field in the Catalogue Details screen.

BE CAREFUL!!! You are actually editing data in bulk!

An example of bulk changing Catalogue record details would be:-

Steps for bulk edit of Location... (ALWAYS backup before doing ANY bulk Update)

See screen dump of below what the Catalogue Update screen should look like for this example

  1. Set Selection Criteria Field (Location) / Low Value is NF / High Value is NF (Could be any value in Location field)
  2. Click Apply and check that ALL the records displayed in the data display table are actually the records you want to change…

(This is a REALLY important step that allows you to scroll through the records that will be edited!)

  1. If you are confident that you do want to change all the records displayed then set the Replacement Field as Location and choose Replacement Value as - No Location-
  2. Click Replace button
  3. Check the number of records about to be changed and if you are happy to make the change click Yes to do the job… (otherwise click No or Cancel to try setting criteria again)

(These steps would remove the NF from the Location field for all items where the Location field contains NF (even if there are thousands of records to be changed)

* Don't forget to go into Utilities / Setup / Authority Files / Location and remove the NF Location entry so it doesn't get used again!